June 29, 2009

Coolaberation 2009

Today is the official start of the "Coolaberation 2009." There will be nine artists involved. Here is my doll, The Queen of Hearts." Along with the doll, each doll has a journal. The first entry is either ten words or less to describe how you want your doll to be or a quote. I chose:

"I am an acquired taste, like anchovies.
Not everyone likes those hairy little things.
If I were more like potato chip I'd be everywhere." -Tori Amos.

Art Coolaberation Comes to and End

I can't believe that the coolaberation is over. Seemed to go rather quickly to me. This is my last doll to work on Lakeloon. As I believe I mentioned previously, his main goal in life is to catch hummingbirds. So I made him one.

Had a bit of trouble with the nose and wings being floppy. The pattern is for a necklace and the rope of the necklace attaches at the ends of the wings. I fixed it though by inserting head pins in the top line of the wings and the nose. Worked great! Thanks bead gals at my bead circle for the great idea.

BAD Birthstone RR

The theme for the BAD RR is your birthstone. As you should be able to guess from my doll, mine is Peridot. The funky leg is done in right angle weave (RAW) for both the front and the back using 11s and 8s. The crystals in the middle are 4mm. I did the other foot in peyote using 13s. The butterflies hanging from the hand are a pair of my favorite earrings that my husband bought for me, Holly Yashi earrings. But I lost one! : (

June 5, 2009

Now for Something Completely Different...

Well, after a lot of thought, I decided to start my own art doll group, which I am calling "Decidedly Different Dolls" or 3D for short. I've searched the net for an art doll group that is active and organized but have been quite disappointed. So it's time to create what I've been looking for.

It's going to be a lot of fun with scheduled organized challenges, a few swaps and tutorials and helpful tips throughout the year. Please consider joining. : )

June 1, 2009

Finished at Last

Well here are the completed Weird Sisters. I'm glad to have finished them as I am sick of black and white. I did try the punk hairstyle on the one with the black face but it was awful. : ( In my mind I can envision what I want but I guess I don't have the skill when it comes to felting hair.