September 26, 2008

Calendar Dolls - September

Well, I have to say I've had a much more difficult time trying to decide what them and what item to do for the Beaded Journal Project. At first I was going to do a found object for each month, but then decided against that because what would I do with those twelve squares?

Then I thought maybe I'd just do my dolls for both the BJP and the BAD Calendar doll challenge. I would just focus on making them more detailed and trying new stitches and techniques. But there is a part of me that thinks it's a big cheat to do the same thing for two seperate events.

The other day I found the cutest dragonfly pattern so now I'm thinking that would be great for the BJP. I could do one for each month in the birthstone colors for that month.

Here are photos of my calendar doll for September. Her name is Sapphire for the birthstone of September. The stars on her front look like a scarf but it's really shooting stars to represent our stargazing from our new deck which should have been finished in September. : P

Below are faces for October. The skeleton is for the challenge, notice the coloration in the face. My version of an Opal - October's birthstone. I think I did a GREAT job considering I had no idea how to copy an opal. The green one is for a witch. I love Hallowen.


bohemiangirl said...

The way her body is put together reminds me of a Raggedy Ann doll I used to have. Tag, you're it! Please go to my blog for the rules and play with us!

Robin said...

Saphire is amazing. I want to touch her, to pose her, to examine every detail up close and personal. She might be my favorite beaded doll... ever!

Robin A.