October 20, 2008

Fly dragon fly....

I found this pattern on the Bead & Button website. It is so fun to make. You just can't stop. I'm making one for each month in the birthstone colors. Was going to do it for the BJP but it's too easy. So I think I may have to do my dolls for both the BAD Calendar Challenge and the BJP.

October 1, 2008

The Color Purple

Here's my second doll of the Art Doll Coolaberation. His name is Cass. This is the before picture with out his glorious new hair. It was a lot harder than I thought choosing a medium for it. I think it would have been a blast to bead it but that would have made it quite heavy and it has to be mailed several more times and not just in the U.S. Then I thought about torn strips of fabric but it didn't look right. So I finally decided on yarn but now what color? All along I'd been planning to do greens and yellow but that didn't' look right either. : P Black, black has to look good.... Nope. Finally Cass chose purple and I have to say he was right. : )

Ta da! Still needs a few embellishments for the hair and then he'll be ready to go to Arkansas.

Quite the mane don't you think?