I registered at
swap-bot in the hopes of finding some fun swaps. I must say I'm a bit disappointed and frustrated by the place. Almost all the swaps you have to have ratings and these stupid hearts, newbies need not apply. They all say they are sorry but they're not or they'd offer a seperate swap where newbies could get experience, it's an old girl's network and will take forever to get in. It's a real catch 22, they say get experience before you can do "my" swaps but few will let newbies in. And I really don't want to do pointless swaps just to rack up ratings and hearts so I can play.
However I have found a few generous people who are willing to assume positive intent and let newcomers in. So my very first swap is making icicle dolls for two swap partners. I finished then and packed them to be sent today. I'm quite pleased with how it turned out. It was a lot of trial and error and I learned a lot. (unfortunately the blue one didn't photograph too well. : ( )